Meet Kawtar.

A talented Software Engineer with multiple skills!

Kawtar Choubari Skills

About Me.

Hey! I'm Kawtar CHOUBARI, a Junior Software Engineer and Content Creator from Morocco, currently living in Paris, France.

I mainly work on Front-End development on a daily basis, with JavaScript / TypeScript and frameworks like ReactJS, Next.js, and also React Native. I'm currently looking into learning Back-End JS development with NodeJS.

I have been able to put my knowledge in good use by giving back to the community: volunteering on organizing tech events, creating educational content on social media, sharing open source projects and actively delivering workshops & conferences.

When I don't code, I'm usually planning and working on my next piece of content (I haven't published too much in 2023, tough year tbh), playing on (just started btw), or taking care of my brand-new balcony garden.

What can I help you with?

  • Software Development
  • Public Speaking
  • Content Creation
  • Community Building
  • Partnership & Collaboration
  • Student life, Career Advice
  • ...

Follow Me on Socials.

You will find me on major social media platforms under the username @choubari, or @choubari_ if the first one is taken.

Let's build something cool together!